Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Why We Love the Trimarchi Fam...

We went over to the Trimarchis to hang around and celebrate Memorial Day...

The Trimarchis are some of our favorite people because...

They have cool toys...

A great pool...

Oscar the dog...

They read books...

They've got Jordan (need we say more??)...

Great mommies...

and daddies...

You guys are great friends.

And we had a fantastic day! Thank you!

Be all you can be!!

Grace came to visit mommy at work. Sure, there are lots of cool things about being a lawyer - nice view, nice computer, nice friends, endless amounts of supplies. And if the law is what calls my Grace, then I will be there to cheer her on, review intentional torts and what not. BUT (a big but), I hope that Grace looks at all that life has to offer and does not get swayed by the nice pens and fancy desk chairs and finds what it is that will truly keep her sustained in life....

Fashion designer? Ballet dancer? Artist (she is a very good drawer)? How about a nine to fiver?

One of my favorite faces that Grace makes...

I call it the "WHAT" face??

For example: "What, Mom? I am not trying to hurt myself with the sharp knives that are located a few inches from my tiny perfect hand. I just want to see how this thing works. Leave me alone!!"

Monday, May 15, 2006

A Day in the Life of Grace...

She drinks from her Daddy's cup:

She colors with a vengeance:

And she swing dances with her Mommy:

I think she has lots of fun! As a side note, you may have noticed my little library assembled on the side of the blog. These are books that we read with Grace. Thought I would share the titles with those of you out there who have toddlers (and who have had toddlers). I would love to get some suggestions to add to our collection - so send them on. Thanks, Sadaf for the great library idea. Check out Jordan's mommy's blog - www.njmonkey.blogspot.com - for what Sadaf reads in her spare time ;-). Oh - and here's a picture of her beautiful little boy. I think he'd make a nice son-in-law one day:

How to have the BEST Mother's Day ever!

First, get your conference call canceled:

Then go to the deli and get breakfast:

And bring it by the water:

Then go the park with your new camera (thanks B & Grace!) and take pictures of your kid enjoying the swings:

Next, let your husband take you to an amazing seven course dinner complete with THREE desserts:

And laugh your head off at how many calories you were able to consume in one two-hour sitting (Bouley is amazing!):

End the day with a run through the bookstore and a dance to Nora Jones with your beautiful baby daughter and you've got the BEST Mother's Day ever:

The only thing missing was spending time with my own mommy! Mom- Happy Mother's Day. You're the best mother, grandmother and friend we could ever ask for. Love, Kristen & Grace

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Where in the World is Grace Perkins??

Grace went to Clearwater, Florida the last weekend in April to attend the wedding of Donna & Bob Goldstein. We had a fabulous time spending time with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Chris, Aunt Tara, Uncle Ray & Brittney.

Here's Grace at the Wedding Rehearsal with Grandma:

And here's Grace at the Rehearsal Dinner - it was on the water with a beautiful sunset ordered especially for Grace!

Here's Grace dancing to reggae with mommy:

And then dancing with Grandma:

Quick change into pj's and more people watching with Grandpa:

The next morning, we relaxed and enjoyed the wide open space -- we don't get much of that living in Manhattan:

Horray! Freedom!

And a book picnic with mommy:

Here's Grace having fun with Grandpa at the wedding - aren't Grandpa's the best??:

Have you ever seen flat screen tv's at a wedding reception?? Cool:

We didn't make it for too long at the reception, but we had lots and lots of fun the entire wedding weekend!! We send our best to Donna & Bob for a long and happy life together. Thanks for including us in your special day!