Why We Love the Trimarchi Fam...
We went over to the Trimarchis to hang around and celebrate Memorial Day...
The Trimarchis are some of our favorite people because...
They have cool toys...
A great pool...
Oscar the dog...
They read books...
They've got Jordan (need we say more??)...
Great mommies...
and daddies...
You guys are great friends.
And we had a fantastic day! Thank you!
aww...jeesh....you're making me blush. Oh wait, maybe that's just another preggo heat flash I'm experiencing. It's hard to tell these days.
It was really fun having you guys over and we hope we can get you out to Joisey again soon. Jordan loves hanging out with "Greece", and Oscar started sulking the minute you all left, which clearly means he loves you too.
Thanks again for all the adorable clothes for monkey-on-the-way.
Well, off to update our blog so the love fest can continue.
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