Monday, November 20, 2006

Great Manhattan Moments

Sunday was a beautiful Fall day here in the city.

And what better place to celebrate Fall than Central Park?

Here's Grace and Daddy watching the ducks go by...

And what Central Park day is complete without a horse and carriage ride? Grace kept saying "wheee" and "ride horse!"

And what horse and carriage ride is complete without hot chocolate? Here's Grace after her very first hot chocolate...

Looks like we weren't the only ones with CP on the brain - check out Wolman Rink...

And, finally, what better place to go for brunch after a morning in CP?

Sarabeth's, of course! Here's Grace giving Brandon his adjustment before we eat...

Happy Birthday Daddy

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Rice And Beans?

On Saturday we went to see Grace's Great Grandmother (aka "Grandma in the Bronx"). We did what all good grandchildren do when they visit their grandparents - we ate. Boy did we eat.

Here I am with my Grandma...

And here's the gringo with my Grandma...

How many generations is this??

And here's the whole clan post-consumption of incredible food- Cousin Becka, Grandma, Negro, Aunt Luisa, Grace and I (thanks B, for taking the pics!). We had a great day!

Oh The Funny Things She Does

Sure with all of the recent talking, Grace has been cracking us up in new and different ways. But there's still the same old Grace with all of her crazy and mischevious ways. Here's a few pictures to prove it...

Here Grace climbed into one of her toy bins so that she could try on Mr. Potato Head's glasses...

And here she is with her bathing suit and cap on over her pj's...

In a pot...

On a box of blocks and trying Daddy's shoes on...

And for the grand is Grace putting peas on her head because it "huts."

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Want some milk!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Dorothy Goes to the Halloween Parade

One of the best things about living in lower Manhattan is how we celebrate Halloween. Here we are at the annual Children's Halloween Parade...

And here we are trick-or-treating through the World Financial Center...

What fun!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

It took us 30 minutes and one toddler tantrum to get her down from here!

Pumpkin Carving!

In preparation for the big HRPMamas Group Halloween party, the Perkins were tasked with carving two rather large pumpkins. Were we up to the task?? You betcha!

First we needed all the fixins!! And what carving extravaganza would be complete without hot apple cider and a little Charlie Brown?? After all, this was Grace's very first pumpkin carving extravaganza and we had to show her how to do it right!

Here we are scooping out the pumpkin's guts...

And here's Daddy meticulously cutting out the facial features of his pumpkin while Grace gets acquainted with a little Snoopy...

Here's Mommy and Grace enjoying the cider. Mmmmm...

Looks like Grace is having a blast...

And who wouldn't with all of this merriment?? Particularly the Charlie Brown. If you haven't seen the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown movie in a while you should Netflix it. It's pretty great! (Yes, that's the Quasar we are hoping to replace with a plasma real soon!)

The fruits of our efforts?? Here they are...

The traditional....

And the silly...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Grace Goes to the Circus for the Second Year in a Row!

One of the greatest events we have at the firm is when OMM takes over the Big Apple Circus. Last year, Grace was 9 months when we went. We stayed for the first act, saw all the dogs and had a blast!


And here we are a year later back at the circus...

With our good friends, the Mendozas (Mommy Lesley, and adorable Andresito)...

Thanks for another fun time OMM!