Friday, July 27, 2007

Only in NY

One of the things we miss most about NY (there are plenty, though) is Mini Masters. Mini Masters is an amazing three story fun house for babies, toddlers and kids where they can take gym, art, ballet, music, even a foreign language, all taught by some of the best kid-centered people I have ever met. Oh, and while your child is taking all of these amazing classes, you could be getting a manicure, taking a pilates class or sipping a latte all on the premises. It's unbelievable!

We have been members of Mini Masters since it opened when Grace was about 15 months. Back then, we were one of a few families who hit the "open gym" almost every day. Grace became their resident "Norm" as everyone would yell out their hellos to her as she walked into the place and headed straight for the mats like she was part-owner (incidentally, the owners/creators are three moms who were tired of schlepping all over Manhattan for various classes and wanted a one-stop shopping place for the whole family to spend a nice long afternoon getting smarter or leaner or pampered). When we moved away, there was certainly one big tearfest at Mini Masters.

So, of course, we had to head back and take in a class or two and re-connect with our old friends.

Here we are having a snack after a rigorous ballet class...

And taking an art class:

Just remembered I forgot to pick up our paintings! Ugh - to be one of those mommies who gets all the artwork scanned into a frameable portrait fit for your living room. In the next life, maybe. Anyway, thank you Mini Masters, for all of the wonderful memories and for welcoming us with open arms this trip.

And a special thank you to Ms. Marta, the ultimate piano teacher. It was so good to see you. Please move to Ft. Myers. Please!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Catching up with my daughter...

One of the best parts of this trip was all the special "girl time" I had with Grace. We certainly missed Brandon and almost didn't make the trip because he wasn't able to join us, but in the end I was glad we went because I really got to focus all of my attention on Grace. Sure, I am home with her now and with her "all day" but I am also juggling the house and a host of other distractions that make it hard to give her 100% of the attention for the better part of the day. Our NY trip allowed me to really do that - no house to clean, no bills to keep up with, no meals to prepare. Just us. And speaking of meals, one of the best times we had "catching up" was sharing meals at some of our old jaunts. Here we are at Bouley Bakery sharing a pear and chocolate croissant (yum!)...

And here we are at the Soda Shop where Grace is perfecting her cup drinking skills...


That mother-daughter quality time always reminds me what an amazing kid I've got the pleasure to spend my time with. She really did "cheers" me with her water glass, tell me about all the rides she loved at Central Park and how she preferred to ride the subway rather than take a taxi. She ordered her own food from the waitress and even shared some of her turkey bacon with a tiny German tourist.

Thanks for being such a great travel companion, Grace!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Our beloved New York

The gap in posts has to do with one thing -- the planning, packing, preparation, execution and recovery from our trip back to our beloved city. Here is part 1 of our trip in pictures.

Of course, we were pretty excited to be home...

First stop, to the park of all parks, Central Park...

We got wet in the sprinkler, slid down the slides, ran through the playgrounds, hung out with the lucky kids who get to live this every day...

..and even hung with some Jersey kids who crossed the bride to hang with us at this incredible carnival that has taken over Wollman Rink called the Victorian Gardens...

...where Grace rode her very first roller coaster (with a new friend she made while waiting on line -- is she growing up or what??).

Later, we chilled with Jordan at a perfect picnic packed by two perfect parents (thanks Jeff & Sadaf)...

...after which we put our sugar rush to good use as we ran crazy through the sprinklers...

... while Mina modeled her bikini for the crowds...

I even through caution to the wind, ignoring the possibility of a late bedtime, and took Grace back to the carnival so that she could see the rides all lit up at night...

...what you'll do in the name of memory-making! What a fantastic trip! More to come for sure!