School Days
Here we are on August 1st after having picked up Grace from her first "alone" visit at school before school was really official. Don't we all look a little shell-shocked by the whole thing??
Thankfully, we have all adjusted a bit better to the idea of Grace going to preschool for 3 hours a day. Here's Grace happily singing in her car seat on her way to her very first day of school ever!
I decided not to burst her bubble of excitement with the thoughts of endless hours of homework, lack of freedom of schedule and all the tests that await her from here on in. Especially since this is just preschool - and preschool should be fun after all!
I think Grace adjusted better than the two adults she looks happy as can be and so adorable ...lve ant jules
Preschool will be a blast! Have a great time Grace~
Jordan is loving school and only gets upset when I come by at 11:30 to pick him up. Then the tears start!
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