Swimming lessons!!
As you will recall, Grace has been taking swimming lessons since she was six months old. The vast majority of these lessons have been attended by dear old Dad - and for good reason. Not only do I have to be at 7 Times Square during the swim lesson hour, Brandon is also much better at letting Grace do her own thing in the pool than I am. For example, he has no problem with the instruction -- dump kid under water even if she has no idea what is about to happen. Me, on the other hand, I stink at following such direction. I get all nervous and freaked out and end up scaring Grace more than if I would just submerge her in the water for the brief fraction of a second the actual dunking takes.
Alas, I took, I dunked and then I quit.
I think I'll be in charge of the ballet lessons instead!
i bet you'll get better at it kristen well tell grace and uncle brandon we said hi!!
madeline wipperman
Ballet lessons have better costumes anyway!
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