Cold Day Inside leads to lots of pictures!
So all we could do was to sit, sit, sit, sit
And we did not like it, not one little bit!
In fact, we were climbing the walls...
Thank goodness for the World Financial Center & the Winter Garden - a huge indoor space that is relatively baby-friendly.
What a pretty face!
Singing "Itsby Bitsy Spide" is fun!
Love the tights! Next time grab a Zip Car and come on out to NJ!
Looks like she’s on the Stairmaster. Next thing you know she’ll be cruising around with a yoga mat.
Buster & Madison's dad
Grace looks like she's having fun. Wish I had her positive attitude.
We've definitely had our fill of cold and windy days over on this side of the river. However, Monkey insists on going outside and kicking "Ball!" around. Brr.
Between that and trips to Whole Foods for him to gawk at overpriced organic vegetables, I am bored, bored, bored. Must.Have.Sunshine.Soon.
Transplanted Floridians like the WinterGarden because it is warm, sunny, has palm trees, and if you lay on your back and look up at them while squinting your eyes and listening to a recording of waves, you can almost pretend you are at the beach. . . them some bratty kid in tights with parents who let her run wild comes charging across you... :>
so cute!!!
i meant in my last post 1 word can describe that.......CUTE!!!!!
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